Alcohol and seizures: What to know

what does an alcohol withdrawal seizure feel like

The main concern over the development of delirium tremens during alcohol withdrawal is the threat of mortality that comes with it. Delirium tremens is estimated to come with a 35% risk of death if you go through it without treatment. Depressants like alcohol can cause your muscles to relax, but withdrawal can cause tremors, muscle tightness, and seizures. Alcohol withdrawal seizures are similar to tonic-clonic seizures, which are often seen with issues like epilepsy. The first may involve a loss of consciousness with increased muscle rigidity. The second phase involves rapid tightening and relaxing of the muscles, which involve convulsions that can lead to serious injuries.

Can I Drink Alcohol If I Have Seizures or Epilepsy?

Withdrawal symptoms are part of a condition called ‘alcohol withdrawal syndrome’, which is a reaction caused when someone who has become dependent on alcohol is deprived of it. Heavy drinkers who suddenly decrease or stop drinking altogether may experience withdrawal symptoms. They are potentially dangerous and should be treated as a serious warning sign that you are drinking too much. A doctor can often diagnose alcohol withdrawal syndrome by taking a person’s medical history and doing a physical exam.

What are alcohol withdrawal symptoms?

what does an alcohol withdrawal seizure feel like

You have a better chance of making a full recovery if you receive prompt medical attention. Some people can be treated at home, but others may need supervised care in a hospital setting to avoid potentially dangerous complications such as seizures. If you or someone you care about abuses alcohol, you might be concerned about the negative consequences of drinking too much. A healthcare provider may request daily visits during which they will likely run blood tests and monitor vital signs until symptoms stabilize. It’s typical for withdrawal symptoms to begin within hours to a day or two after you have your last drink.

Before taking Ativan

  • Your doctor’s treatment goal is helping you stop drinking as quickly and safely as possible.
  • Using medication can significantly reduce the risk of relapse.
  • Although you might be tempted to tough out withdrawal symptoms by yourself, it’s not worth the risk.
  • The assessment process involves meeting with a licensed alcohol use disorder therapist at a treatment facility or detox center.
  • According to the Epilepsy Foundation, seizures by themselves typically are not fatal.

There are many support options available that can help guide you through alcohol withdrawal, as well as abstaining from alcohol after withdrawal. People who drink daily or almost every day should not be left are alcohol withdrawal seizures dangerous alone for the first few days after stopping alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms can quickly go from a bad hangover to a serious medical situation. Moderate or binge drinkers can likely quit alcohol on their own.

what does an alcohol withdrawal seizure feel like

Your pharmacist or doctor can help if you’re having trouble swallowing pills. If you’ve been diagnosed with epilepsy, follow your seizure response plan when you feel a seizure coming on. Make sure your friends and family are familiar with your seizure response plan. If you stay asleep during the seizure, you likely won’t feel anything. They typically affect children between 6 months and 3 years old.

what does an alcohol withdrawal seizure feel like

what does an alcohol withdrawal seizure feel like

Depending on the type of seizure, the feeling of having one can vary greatly. Alcohol affects the area of the brain responsible for the ‘fight or flight’ function which helps our brains respond to danger, by preparing us to either react or run away. Because alcohol is a depressant, drinking suppresses the ‘fight or flight’ response in your brain and nervous system.

How Ativan treats alcohol withdrawal

  • They’ll want to know if you’ve ever gone through withdrawal before.
  • In some cases, AWS can be a medical emergency and — if complications arise — potentially life threatening.
  • During a crisis, people who are hard of hearing can use their preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988.
  • The helpline at is available 24/7 to discuss the treatment needs of yourself or a loved one.
  • If a focal seizure spreads to both parts of the brain, it’s called a focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizure.

Chronic depressant use and withdrawal can cause hypersensitivity in your nervous system. It’s worth noting that opioids share many similarities with depressants, but they don’t work with GABA in the brain as alcohol does. If you’ve gone through opioid withdrawal before, you may need to experience the kindling effects. However, alcohol withdrawal can still be dangerous, even without kindling.

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