Explained: What exactly is 1 mm of rainfall?

what does 1mm mean

Millimeters are used where high precision is required such as machining and fabrication. The smaller unit the simpler it is to allow for finer measurements. The goal of abbreviating large numerical values is to create financial statements that appear to be more simple and concise. This allows for the interpretation of financial statements to become more accessible. It’s also often not possible to make a reliable statement for a larger area, especially in the case of local severe weather events. To calculate “how much rain fell on Hong Kong” (expressed as total volume), you’d take the area of Hong Kong, and multiply it by 1 mm.

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  • Millimeters are also used in meteorology to record rainfall or snowfall.
  • (Of course water truly flows downhill and is deflected by buildings and such, so you’d end up with much more water in some spots, less in others).
  • Unfortunately, this practice can occasionally cause confusion within the financial industry as multiple numerical abbreviations are used interchangeably within society.
  • Simply, an “amount” of rain is a certain volume, and volume equals area x height.
  • Millimeters are widely used worldwide especially in engineering.
  • Everything in the town is so small, he has to document everything in smaller units like inches and millimeters (mm).

For example, within financial statements, the industry-standard abbreviation is M for a thousand, while in everyday life, the abbreviation of K for a thousand is usually the acceptable one. Therefore, discretion must be applied within every situation to accurately implement the acceptable abbreviation or comprehend the abbreviation you are reviewing. https://www.bookstime.com/ Frequently, in finance and accounting settings now, an analyst will use k to denote thousands and a capitalized M to denote millions. The Roman numerals MM are frequently used to designate that the units used in presenting information (financial and non-financial) are in millions. The example below shows how figures can be portrayed in millions.

what does 1mm mean

Convert Millimeters to Inches

  • Frequently, in finance and accounting, an analyst will use k to denote thousands and a capitalized M to denote millions.
  • It is normally measured in 24 hours and is measured each morning at a fixed time like 0900.
  • Let us learn more about this metric unit, the conversions, and solve a few examples to understand the concept better.
  • There are two formulas to convert mm to m, either multiply the value of mm with 0.001 or divide it by 1000.
  • MM (also seen with overstrikes) means that the preceding number should be multiplied by 1000 and again by 1000 (i.e. 1,000,000).
  • The Hindu – Arabic numeral system is what we have used ever since.

The M should be used with numbers related to intangible and conceptual subjects like money, time, and counting. Related to the M is the k which is the abbreviation for kilo-. The k abbreviation should be used with tangible and physical subjects like distance and weight. Simply, an “amount” of rain is a certain volume, and volume equals area x height. For example, if you place a container under the rain and it fills up to 0.5mm, then the precipitation is 0.5mm.

Millimeter Examples

Can you imagine measuring tiny things using units like yards or miles? Fundamentally it means that it filled a rain gauge (of some type) to 3mm height. But every place that gets that experience equally would see the same amount of rain. So if the storm hit the entirety of Hong Kong as it hit the airport, the rain gauge at that airport would record 3mm, and so would any other rain gauge in the city. And (on flat, exposed ground… if water didn’t absorb into the soil or evaporate over time) every square meter would get a depth of 3mm… And the region as a whole would have been covered with 3mm deep of water.

Practice Questions on Millimeter

A millimeter is usually the smallest unit you can measure using a regular ruler. Those are two different measurements, 1m is One meter, 1mm isOne Millimeter. One mm is the first tiny tic on a meter stick or onany measuring source.

what does 1mm mean

That’s usually not what people want to know, though — they want to know how wet things got, and the volume-per-area number is most convenient for that. The use of two m’s to denote millions is becoming less common. Frequently, in finance and accounting, an analyst will use k to denote thousands and a capitalized M to denote millions. Although the UK has officially adopted the metric system, inches are still found in certain area particularly in construction. This is due to the historical influence of the imperial system.

what does 1mm mean

Outside of finance and accounting, it is common to find the value of a thousand abbreviated as (K), the value of a million abbreviated as (M), and the value of a billion abbreviated as (B). Yet, often in finance and accounting, we find that this abbreviation deviates from the cultural norm that permeates most industries. The least ambiguous approach is to simply write them out in words, such as “$ thousands.” This is CFI’s recommended method, to avoid any potential confusion. In what does mm mean this example, we intentionally chose a piece of analysis that contained various different units, such as dollars and shares. When an analyst must present various different types of units, it is recommended to add a “units” column so that each item contains a label for easy reference. While Roman numerals are technically additive (MM is really 1,000 plus 1,000 or 2,000), MM is still a fairly common way of abbreviating millions, especially in certain industries like oil and gas.

  • Look at the image of a ruler below, the longer lines with numbers written below them indicate the value of centimeters and the smaller lines indicates the value of millimeter.
  • If 1,000 multiplied by 1,000 equals 1,000,000, and 1,000 equals M, then we can use the abbreviations to create calculations.
  • For example, within financial statements, the industry-standard abbreviation is M for a thousand, while in everyday life, the abbreviation of K for a thousand is usually the acceptable one.
  • It was first created in India, and from there, it progressively spread to Arabia and China.
  • Therefore, if the rainfall is 1 mm, every square meter receives 1 liter of rain water.
  • A surface of 10 square meters was also filled with water up to a height of 3mm, etc.

mm to inches (Millimeters to Inches) conversion calculator

Additional Resources

  • To measure in mm, hold a metric ruler against an object, count the number of whole cm of its length, and multiply by 10.
  • While you can make MM stand for millions of anything, it’s important that the reader knows whether you’re talking about dollars, euros, units shipped, etc.
  • It is the amount of rain that it takes to cover the ground X milimeters deep.
  • We don’t know for sure why the Romans used letters or why they chose the letters they did.
  • In finance and accounting, MM (or lowercase “mm”) commonly denotes that the units of figures presented are in millions.
  • To convert mm to inches you need to divide the value in mm by 25.4 as there are this many millimeters in an inch.

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